Home Solar Panels Adelaide


40 Year Warranty

We are Sunpower’s preferred installer, renowned for their industry-leading efficiency.

Guaranteed No Slavery Panels

Ethically and responsibly sourced supply chain.

Turbocharged Solar

Greater solar savings with Energy Buster is smarter approach.

Are You Ready to Make the Switch to Home Solar Panels?

Take advantage of clean, renewable energy with home solar panels in Adelaide.

It’s time to harness the power of the sun and reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying significant savings on your electricity bills.

Our expert team at Energy Buster is dedicated to providing top-quality solar panel systems tailored to your home’s unique energy needs. With advanced technology and durable materials, our solar products ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

As an added bonus, we’ll help you find out how to benefit from government incentives and feed-in tariffs while contributing to a sustainable future. If you’re ready to control your energy expenses, help the environment, and become a part of the growing solar revolution, let’s make it happen!

Contact us today for a free consultation and start your solar journey.

Learn about our Solar Panel Packages

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What are the best types of home solar panels?

When it comes to the best types, there are a few options worth considering:.

Monocrystalline solar panels are known for their high efficiency and sleek appearance. Polycrystalline solar panels are slightly less efficient but offer a more affordable price point.

Thin-film panels are also gaining popularity due to their flexibility and ability to be integrated into various surfaces. Ultimately, the best type of solar panel for your home depends on factors such as budget, available space, and energy requirements. Consulting with a solar professional can help determine the optimal solution for your specific needs.

SunPower panels are the most advanced manufacturer. They offer two brands:

  • Maxeon panels – IBC (interdigitated Back Contact) unique solar technology exclusive to and patented by SunPower. This panel is the world’s best.
  • SunPower Performance Series – know as the “hypercell” or also referred to as shingle technology. It has taken conventional panel technology, which includes monocrystalline technology, and made it much better.

What factors affect home solar panels cost?

The cost of home solar panels in Adelaide can vary depending on various factors such as:

  • Size of the system
  • Type and brand of the panels
  • Installation complexity
  • Additional components or features

Prices can fluctuate based on market conditions and individual circumstances. Additionally, it’s worth exploring any available government incentives, rebates, and financing options that can help reduce the upfront costs and make solar power more affordable.

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Home solar panel benefits

Home solar panels in Adelaide offer numerous benefits.

Firstly, residential solar systems provide a clean and renewable source of energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. This helps combat climate change and contributes to a sustainable future.

Additionally, they can significantly reduce electricity bills by generating power for your home, leading to long-term cost savings. Adelaide receives abundant sunlight, making it an ideal location for solar energy production.

Furthermore, installing solar energy increases the value of your property and offers a solid return on investment.

Finally, with various government incentives and feed-in tariffs available, homeowners can enjoy additional financial benefits. Overall, home solar panels in Adelaide offer environmental, financial, and energy independence advantages.

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Home solar panel installation process

The installation process for home solar panels in Adelaide typically involves the following steps:

Step One: Consultation: Begin by scheduling a consultation with a solar panel provider. They will assess your energy needs, evaluate your property’s suitability for solar, and discuss available options.

Step Two: System Design: Based on your consultation, a customised solar system design will be created to meet your specific requirements. This includes determining the number of panels, their placement, and any additional components needed.

Step Three: Permits and Approvals: The solar provider will handle the necessary permits and approvals required for installation. This may involve obtaining permissions from local authorities and complying with building regulations.

Step Four: Installation: Once all permits are in place, the solar cells will be installed on your roof or any other suitable location. This typically involves securing mounting racks, connecting wiring, and positioning the panels for optimal sunlight exposure.

Step Five: Electrical Connections: A licensed electrician will connect the solar cells and your inverter system to your home’s electrical system ensuring they are safely integrated and capable of feeding excess energy back into the grid.

Step Six: System Testing and Commissioning: After installation, the system will be thoroughly tested to ensure it is functioning correctly and generating the expected amount of electricity. Any necessary adjustments or troubleshooting will be carried out at this stage.

Step Seven: Monitoring and Maintenance: Once the system is operational, you can monitor its performance through a monitoring system provided by the solar company. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the panels and checking for any issues, is recommended to ensure optimal efficiency.

If you think that purchasing solar panels is the right thing for you, then the next step is to decide on the best brand and solar system size. Get in touch with us by either calling us on (08) 7120 6377 or by filling out our fast free quote form.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Home Solar Panels in Adelaide

The size of the home solar system you need depends on several factors, including your energy consumption, available roof space, budget, and desired level of energy independence. Here are some steps to help you determine the appropriate size for your home:

Assess your energy consumption: Start by reviewing your electricity bills to understand your average monthly and annual energy usage. This will give you an idea of how much electricity your solar system needs to generate to meet your needs.

Consider your future energy needs: Factor in any anticipated changes in your energy consumption, such as the addition of new appliances or an electric vehicle. It’s beneficial to plan for future energy demands to ensure your solar system can accommodate them.

Evaluate your roof space: Determine how much roof space is available for solar panel installation. The size and orientation of your roof will impact the number of panels you can install and their efficiency. Shading from nearby trees or buildings should also be considered.

Consult a solar professional: It’s advisable to consult with a reputable solar installer or energy professional who can assess your energy usage, roof space, and other relevant factors. They can conduct a site visit and provide an accurate estimate of the system size that best suits your needs.

As a rough guideline, a typical residential solar system in Australia ranges between 6.6kW to 13.3kW. However, the specific size that is suitable for your home will vary. The solar professional will consider all the factors mentioned above and design a system that optimally matches your requirements.

Remember that it’s essential to strike a balance between system size, and energy needs, and available budget to maximise the benefits of solar power while ensuring a reasonable return on investment.

The ideal roof face is typically one that has a south-facing orientation. South-facing roofs receive the most consistent and direct sunlight throughout the day, maximising solar energy generation. This orientation allows solar cells to capture sunlight for a longer duration, leading to higher energy production.

However, it’s important to note that solar cells can still be installed on roofs with other orientations, such as east or west-facing roofs. While east-facing roofs receive sunlight in the morning and west-facing roofs in the afternoon, their energy production may be slightly lower compared to south-facing roofs. Nevertheless, they can still generate significant amounts of solar power and be a viable option for solar panel installation.

It’s also worth mentioning that the pitch or angle of the roof is another important factor. In general, roofs with a pitch that matches the latitude of your location (e.g., a 30-degree angle in Adelaide) tend to optimise solar panel performance by maximising sunlight exposure.

Additionally, shading should be considered when determining the best roof face. Trees, buildings, or other obstructions that cast shadows on the roof can significantly reduce energy production. A clear, unobstructed roof face allows for optimal solar panel performance.