5kW Solar Systems Adelaide


40 Year Warranty

We are Sunpower’s preferred installer, renowned for their industry-leading efficiency.

Guaranteed No Slavery Panels

Ethically and responsibly sourced supply chain.

Turbocharged Solar

Greater solar savings with Energy Buster is smarter approach.

5kW solar systems are one of the most popular choices for South Australian properties

Unlock the power of the sun with your own 5kW solar system for your Adelaide home or business.

Our top-of-the-line 5kW solar systems are designed to maximise energy production and with advanced technology and high-performance solar panels.

With over 2500+ solar installations, we offer a broad range of solar products such as panels, inverters, batteries, EV chargers and energy storage systems. We are a proud supplier of SunPower panels – both Maxeon and SunPower Performance series, with a 40-year warranty.

At Energy Buster, our experienced team will handle the entire installation process, ensuring a seamless transition to solar energy. Contact us today to learn more about our solar options and range of solar services.

How do you know if 5kW system is enough?

If you consume around 20-25 kWh electricity per day, a 5kW system should be enough for your needs. The average energy consumption in Australia is 20 Kwh per day for 1-2 people.

To determine if a 5kW system is sufficient for your property, you’ll need to consider a few factors:

  1. Identify your daily and monthly energy consumption: Look at your electricity bills to see how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) you typically use on a daily and monthly basis.
  2. Evaluate the solar potential of your location: Consider your location and the amount of sunlight your property receives. Adelaide generally has good solar potential with ample sunshine, but factors like shading from trees or nearby buildings can affect the efficiency of the panels.
  3. Determine Appropriate System Size: Compare the desired system size with your average daily energy consumption to determine if it will cover your needs.
  4. Evaluate your budget: Determine the return on investment and payback period for a 5kW system based on your energy savings and the cost of installation. Consider any available government incentives, rebates, or feed-in tariffs that can further improve the financial viability of the system.
  5. Consider Future Energy Needs: Think about any potential changes in your energy consumption, such as the addition of new appliances, electric vehicles, or changes in occupancy.

It’s advisable to consult with a professional solar installer in Adelaide. They can assess your energy consumption, evaluate your property’s solar potential, and provide personalized recommendations on the appropriate system size, ensuring it meets your energy requirements efficiently.

Selecting the right system size depends on your budget, available roof space, electricity use and future energy plans.


How much space will 5kW solar system take?

The space required for a 5kW system can vary depending on the size and wattage of the solar panels being used. The physical dimensions of solar panels can differ, but a standard-sized panel is typically around 1.6 meters by 1 meter.

Assuming you are using 300-watt panels, which are commonly used in 5kW systems, you would need approximately 17 panels to achieve the desired capacity.

To estimate the space required, multiply the number of panels by their dimensions. In this case, 17 panels multiplied by the average panel size of 1.6 meters by 1 meter would require an approximate total area of 27.2 square meters.

It’s important to note that the available roof space, orientation, and tilt of your roof can impact the actual installation layout and the number of panels that can be accommodated. Additionally, factors like shading and obstructions should be considered during the site assessment by a solar installer.

Understanding your 5kW solar system options

When it comes to the best types of 5kW solar systems in Adelaide, there are several factors to consider, including the quality of components, efficiency, warranty, and reputation of the manufacturer.

Here are some popular and reliable options to consider:

Tier 1 Panels

Look for Tier 1 solar panel brands known for their high efficiency, durability, and long-term performance, such as SunPower.


Choose a high-quality inverter from reputable brands like Fronius, SMA, or SolarEdge. Consider features like efficiency, reliability, and monitoring capabilities.

Mounting System

Opt for a robust and adjustable mounting system that can withstand Adelaide’s weather conditions. Brands like SunLock, Clenergy, or IronRidge offer reliable options.

Battery Storage

If you’re interested in adding energy storage, consider brands like Tesla Powerwall, LG Chem, or Sonnen for reliable and efficient solar battery storage.

What factors affect a 5kW solar system cost?

The cost of in Adelaide can vary depending on several factors such as:

  • Site Structure
  • Environmental Surrounds
  • Solar Panel Aesthetics
  • Expected Solar Panel Performance

Other factors are the quality of components, installation complexity, and additional features.

To get an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs, get in touch with a member of the Energy Buster team.

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5kW solar system benefits

✔ Cost Savings: By generating your own solar energy, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills. With Adelaide’s abundant sunshine, a 5kW solar system can generate a substantial amount of electricity, offsetting a significant portion of your energy consumption.

✔ Environmental Impact: Solar energy is clean and renewable, producing no greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants. By switching to solar power, you contribute to reducing carbon footprints and combating climate change.

✔ Energy Independence: With a 5kW solar system, you become less reliant on the grid and fossil fuel-based energy sources. You gain greater control over your energy production and reduce your vulnerability to rising energy costs.

✔ Government Incentives: In Adelaide, there may be government incentives, such as solar rebates or feed-in tariffs, that can further reduce the upfront cost of installing a solar system and provide financial benefits over time.

✔ Increased Property Value: Solar cells can enhance the value of your property. Many homebuyers appreciate the eco-friendly features and potential energy savings associated with solar energy, making your property more attractive in the market.

✔ Long-Term Investment: Solar cells have a long lifespan, typically lasting 25-30 years. Installing a 5kW solar system in Adelaide is a long-term investment that can provide substantial financial returns and energy savings over its lifespan.

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8 Things You Must Know Before Purchasing Solar Panels!

What is the installation process for a 5kW solar system?

The installation process for a 5kW solar system in Adelaide typically involves the following steps:

Step One: Consultation and Assessment

A solar installer will visit your property to assess its suitability for solar installation. They will evaluate factors such as roof orientation, shading, and structural integrity to determine the optimal placement of the panels.

Step Two: Design and Quotation

Based on the site assessment and your energy requirements, the solar installer will design a 5kW solar system that suits your needs. They will provide you with a detailed quotation outlining the system components, costs, and any applicable rebates or incentives.

Step Three: Obtaining Permits and Approvals

The installer will handle the necessary paperwork and obtain any required permits or approvals from local authorities and utility companies.

Step Four: Installation Day

Once the permits are secured, the installation team will arrive at your property. They will mount the solar panels on your roof using specialised equipment and ensure they are securely fixed.

Step Five: Electrical Wiring

The installers will connect the panels to an inverter, typically placed in a convenient location near your electrical panel. The inverter converts the DC power generated by the panels into usable AC power for your property.

Step Six: Electrical Connections

The inverter is connected to your main electrical panel to allow solar energy to power your property. This step may require coordination with a licensed electrician to ensure compliance with local electrical codes.

Step Seven: System Testing and Commissioning

The installers will conduct thorough tests to ensure that the solar system is functioning properly and safely. They will also provide you with information on system monitoring and operation.

Step Eight: Grid Connection and Net Metering

If you opt for a grid-connected system, the installers will work with your utility company to finalise the grid connection and set up net metering, which allows you to receive credits for excess electricity exported to the grid.

If you think that purchasing solar panels is the right thing for you, then the next step is to decide on the best brand and solar system size. Get in touch with us by either calling us on (08) 7120 6377 or by filling out our fast free quote form.

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Frequently Asked Questions About 5kW Solar Systems in Adelaide

Yes. A 5kW solar system has the potential to meet the electricity needs of an average-sized household, depending on various factors such as energy consumption, location, and local solar conditions. However, it’s important to note that the energy production of a solar system can vary throughout the day and across seasons.

The actual energy output of a 5kW solar system will depend on factors like the orientation and tilt of the panels, shading, weather conditions, and the efficiency of the system components. In some cases, a 5kW solar system may generate more electricity than a household consumes, resulting in excess energy being exported to the grid.

The number of panels needed for a 5kW solar system can vary depending on the wattage of the individual panels. Generally, the wattage of a solar panel can range from 250 to 400 watts.

To calculate the approximate number of panels needed for a 5kW system, you can use the following formula:

Number of panels = System size (in kW) / Panel wattage (in kW)

For example, if you have 300-watt panels:

Number of panels = 5 kW / 0.3 kW = 16.67 panels

In this case, you would need approximately 17 panels to achieve a 5kW system.

Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, as panel wattages and efficiency can vary.

The duration a 5kW battery will last depends on several factors, including the battery capacity, the amount of energy consumed by your household, and how the battery is used.

The capacity of a battery is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). A 5kW battery could have a capacity of, for example, 10 kWh, which means it can store up to 10 kilowatt-hours of energy.

To estimate how long the battery will last, you would need to consider your average daily energy consumption and the rate at which you discharge the battery. For instance, if your household consumes an average of 10 kWh per day and you discharge the battery by 5 kWh each day, the battery would last approximately 2 days (10 kWh / 5 kWh per day).

However, it’s important to note that the actual battery life can be influenced by various factors such as the depth of discharge (how much energy is used from the battery), battery chemistry, temperature, and the specific brand and model of the battery. Some batteries have warranties that specify a certain number of charge cycles or years of use.