With the rising demand for renewable energy sources, solar panels have emerged as a popular choice.

As great as it feels to bring down your power bills (did someone say “savings”?!), your panels still need cleaning to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Cleaning solar panels may seem like a simple task, but it’s essential to approach them with care and the right techniques to avoid potential damage and achieve the best results. You’ll need more than a “can do” attitude and paper towels, so proper cleaning knowledge is crucial.

In this article, we’ll delve into the best practices for cleaning solar panels in Adelaide, allowing you to make the most of your investment in green energy.

Let’s get right into it.

Schedule Regular Cleaning Sessions

The panels are constantly exposed to the elements, which can lead to the accumulation of dust, dirt, pollen, bird droppings, and other debris. 

Regular cleaning is vital to prevent the build-up of such contaminants that can hinder the solar panel’s ability to absorb sunlight effectively. 

Whether it’s you or a local professional, a typical cleaning schedule should be at least twice a year (but might need to be adjusted based on the local climate and environmental factors).

Clean During Optimal Times

When planning to clean your panels, consider doing the job early morning or late evening when the temperature is cooler. Cleaning panels during the hot sun can lead to rapid drying of the cleaning solution, leaving behind streaks and residues which don’t just look messy but may impact their efficiency.

Use the Right Cleaning Equipment

To clean your panels effectively and safely, it’s essential you use the right equipment. A soft sponge or cloth and a non-abrasive brush are suitable tools for manual cleaning. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents, abrasive materials, or high-pressure washers, as they can scratch the surface of the panels or damage the protective coating.

Distilled Water for Cleaning

When it comes to the cleaning solution, using distilled water is highly recommended. Tap water often contains minerals and impurities that can leave deposits on the panels after drying, affecting their performance. Distilled water helps ensure a streak-free and spotless finish.

Gently Remove Stubborn Debris

For stubborn debris, such as bird droppings or tree sap, soak the affected area with a wet cloth or sponge for a few minutes to soften the residue. Gently wipe away the softened debris, taking care not to apply excessive pressure.

Safety First

Cleaning solar panels may require accessing rooftops or elevated areas. Safety should always be a top priority. If you are not comfortable or lack the necessary equipment to access the panels safely, consider hiring a professional solar panel cleaning service in Adelaide.

Check for Damage

While cleaning your panels, take the opportunity to inspect them for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, chips, loose connections, or any other issues that might affect their efficiency. If you notice any problems, contact a professional technician to address them promptly.

Consider Self-Cleaning Panels

If you’re concerned about the regular maintenance and cleaning of the panels, consider investing in self-cleaning panels. Some manufacturers offer panels with built-in cleaning mechanisms that can significantly reduce the need for manual cleaning.

Cleaning in Winter Months

Adelaide’s winters may bring cloudy and rainy days, which can result in a build-up of grime and dirt on the panels. Although panels may receive less direct sunlight during this season, keeping them clean remains important. It’s best to plan a cleaning session in late winter or early spring to prepare the panels for the increased sunlight during the upcoming months.

A Word of Caution for New Installations

If you’ve recently installed solar panels, you may be eager to start cleaning them right away. However, it’s essential to let the panels settle for a few weeks after installation before attempting to clean them. This will allow the protective coatings to cure properly and avoid any potential damage during the cleaning process.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Cleaning your panels presents an excellent opportunity to conduct regular inspections and maintenance. During the cleaning process, inspect the panel frames, mounts, and seals for any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Addressing minor issues early on can prevent more significant problems down the line and extend the lifespan of your panels.

Monitor Energy Production

After cleaning your panels, it’s a good idea to monitor their energy production to ensure they are functioning optimally. Keep track of your energy production data and compare it with previous months to identify any significant drops in efficiency that may indicate the need for additional maintenance or cleaning.

Consider Local Environmental Factors

Adelaide’s climate and location may introduce unique challenges for solar panel cleaning. If you live in an area with significant air pollution, coastal salt spray, or dusty surroundings, you might need to clean your panels more frequently. Understanding and accounting for these local factors can help you establish an appropriate cleaning schedule.

The Importance of Professional Cleaning

While cleaning your panels yourself is possible, hiring a professional cleaning service can offer several advantages. Professionals have the expertise, experience, and specialised equipment to clean solar panels safely and efficiently. Moreover, they can spot potential issues that an untrained eye might miss, ensuring that your panels are in top-notch condition.

DIY Solar Panel Cleaning Solutions

If you prefer to clean your panels on your own, you can create a simple and effective cleaning solution at home. Mix one part mild dish soap with ten parts distilled water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the panels, and use a soft cloth or sponge to gently wipe away the dirt and debris. Finally, rinse the panels with plain distilled water to remove any remaining soap residue.

Staying Safe During Cleaning

When cleaning solar panels yourself, always prioritise safety. If your panels are on a rooftop or in a hard-to-reach location, ensure you have a sturdy ladder and someone to assist you. If you’re uncomfortable with heights or lack the necessary equipment, it’s best to leave the cleaning to the professionals.

Educate Yourself

The technology and maintenance of the panels may evolve over time. Stay informed about the latest cleaning techniques, products, and safety guidelines. Regularly check the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning your specific solar panel model to ensure you are following the best practices.

You’re Ready to Clean Your Solar Panels

Properly cleaning and maintaining your panels in Adelaide are crucial steps to ensure their efficiency and longevity. 

By following the best practices and safety guidelines, you can keep your panels in top condition, harnessing the power of the sun to its fullest potential. Regular cleaning, along with monitoring and addressing any issues promptly, will not only maximise the energy production of your panels but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for both you and the environment. 

Whether you choose to clean the panels yourself or hire a professional service, the effort invested in maintaining your panels will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. 

So, don’t let dirt and debris overshadow the benefits of your solar investment; instead, keep them shining bright and producing clean energy for many years to come.